try nawmalMAKE
nawmalMAKE is a desktop app that runs on Windows 10.
Find out how to run nawmalMAKE on a Mac.
Get the most from your trial with these tutorials and "how-to" videos.
This trial version does not output video. With a paid subscription you can output a range of video formats (up to 4K HD) including: mp4 (h.264), avi, wmv
We want you to have fun using this trial version, but please note, and as mentioned in the EULA, anything you create with this trial must not be commercially used, posted online or distributed.
Find out how to run nawmalMAKE on a Mac.
Get the most from your trial with these tutorials and "how-to" videos.
This trial version does not output video. With a paid subscription you can output a range of video formats (up to 4K HD) including: mp4 (h.264), avi, wmv
We want you to have fun using this trial version, but please note, and as mentioned in the EULA, anything you create with this trial must not be commercially used, posted online or distributed.
download the trial
Please enter your details below and we'll send an email with instructions on how to download nawmalMAKE along with your username and password.
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Ongoing maintenance. Our site is temporarily offline, please try again later.